Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holidays Approaching

Happy Holidays!
(Picture is Christmas Morning in Elementary School)

I hope everyone is not too too stressed out while finishing up any last minute holiday shopping and planning for parties. I have a few more things to pick up tonight, and then I will be done! 

This past Sunday, my friends and I got together and went Christmas Caroling in my friend Derek's neighborhood. We go out and carol every year in his neighbor and then go back to the house and sit by the fire and catch up with hot cocoa. I love hanging out with my friends around the holidays. With everyone away at college now, we only see each other on breaks. I am going to miss them all tremendously while I am on the Disney College Program. 

I am going to my dad's house on Christmas Eve for his annual holiday party. My brother and I usually go there on Christmas Eve, sleep over, open presents Christmas morning, and then go back home to Mom's to do it all over again over there. 

My favorite part of Christmas is actually the day after on December 26th. My friends and I always get together for an annual Christmakkah party. We exchange gifts, play games, watch movies, eat, and sleep over. This year we are changing it up a little bit. We all decided that it is way too expensive, especially being poor college students, to get presents for everyone. We picked names this year so that we can all shop or create a gift for just one person. We all get together for another sleepover on New Year's Eve too. This year is my first New Year's being legal. 

A bunch of us going on the Disney CP decided to do a Secret Santa. There was a whole page dedicated to it on facebook. We all put down our names and a bunch of our favorite thing s on a discussion. Each of us sent our addresses to the page administrators and then we were given a person to be a secret santa to. I had to send my Secret Santa gifts to Louisiana. I will post what I sent after Christmas so it is not spoiled beforehand. I just received my secret santa gift in the mail yesterday. It is a big box from Fla.! I will post pics and descriptions of what is in it after Christmas!

Well, today is 25 days until I fly down to Florida, and 28 days until I start the college program! I am SO excited! I have to start packing soon!!!! Stay safe, and be merry! Happy Holidays everyone!

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